
Tooling for ECOA AS 5

The Open Source ECOA Toolset is available on GitHub.

It supports developers in generating experimental system software which conforms to the previous ECOA Architecture Specification (issue 5).

Tooling for ECOA AS 6

Several Open Source tools covering the ECOA Architecture Specification Issue 6 (see Introduction Slides) are also available on GitHub.

  • ECOA Editor (a.k.a EDT - ECOA Design Tool) - A graphical editor allowing users to create step-by-step, or to simply update or visualize, an ECOA architecture (EDT Repository)

  • ECOA Skeleton Generator (a.k.a MSCIGT - Module Skeleton and Container Interfaces Generator Tool) - A tool that generates useful artefacts concerning ECOA modules implementation and test (MSCIGT Repository)

  • ECOA Test Generator (a.k.a ASCTG - Application Software Components Test Generator) - A tool that generates a new ECOA model describing both a new harness component and tested components from an ECOA model and a selection of components to be tested (ASCTG Repository)

  • ECOA Cork Generator (a.k.a CSMGVT - Connected System Model Generation and Verification Tool) - A tool that allows a non real-time execution of ECOA components, apart from any ECOA middleware, by generating minimal stubs for each API service call. (CSMGVT Repository)

  • ECOA Checker (a.k.a EXVT - ECOA XML Validation Tool) - A tool that allows to check both the conformity of a set of XML files with ECOA AS6 specifications, and the consistency of described elements with each other (EXVT Repository)

  • ECOA Engine (a.k.a LDP - Lightweight Development Platform) - A tool generating an ECOA middleware that executes ECOA components, following specified deployment rules (LDP Repository)

Some of the tools rely on the following dependency:

Minimal ECOA AS6 Tooling Instructions are available. More explanation is available on GitHub.